

Books (85 Items)

Books - Edited (13 Items)

Chapters (242 Items)

Conferences (49 Items)

Internet Publications (42 Items)

Interviews (18 Items)

Journals - Edited (9 Items)

Journal Articles (443 Items)

Other Publications (82 Items)

Patents (2 Items)

Posters (1 Item)

  • Career Design for Global Citizenship

    Published In: Summer Seminar, Association of Departments of Foreign Languages and English

    Publication Date: June 2018

    Contributor(s): Jenny Strakovsky

Presentations (15 Items)

Reports (1 Item)

Review (3 Items)

Scholarly Editions (2 Items)

Software (3 Items)

Theses / Dissertations (10 Items)

Translations (16 Items)