Collaboratorium on September 24, 2019:
Education for Sustainable Development -
Global and Cross-Cultural Perspectives & Best Practices
This signature initiative explores a variety of global studies topics and highlights faculty research, teaching and public engagement projects to capture ideas, raise visibility, inspire others, and foster sustainable and impactful collaborations across campus and among higher education institutions in the greater Atlanta region. We also feature diplomats and practitioners in this series and engage with them from a higher education perspective.
The AGSC Collaboratorium is a supportive and creative space to share research, teaching and community engagement practices and ideas to explore and foster innovative collaborations with interested faculty, graduate students and community partners. We encourage a diversity of perspectives, engagement, and innovative thinking and aim to build sustainable intellectual communities and actionable research, teaching and community engagement agendas.
All events are held in AGSC Seminar Room, 781 Marietta St NW, Suite 115, unless indicated otherwise.
All events are free and open to faculty, students and staff with registration.
Fall 2021
Fall 2021 Collaboratorium series is presented as part of the Atlanta Global Research & Education Collaborative (AGREC) initiative and focuses on the AGREC-funded globally-oriented, community-engaged research and education projects that have brought together faculty and students from diverse disciplines and multiple colleges/universities across the Greater Atlanta region! Please visit AGREC webpage for more information.
Water quality monitoring network for highly impacted urban headwaters in metro Atlanta (GA) | |
Fri, October 22 | 12 - 1 pm EST | |
Growing Intercultural Competence for Peace and Mediation: The Case Study Method in the Foreign Language Classroom | |
Wed, October 27 | 12 - 1 pm EST | |
Advancing a Community-Based Participatory Research Model for Metropolitan Regional Immigrant Integration and Receptivity through the One Region Initiative | |
Wed, November 3 | 11 am - 12pm EST | |
The Global Communities Internship Program | |
Fri, November 5 | 11 am - 12 pm EST | |
Atlanta-area migrant communities and climate change: characterizing drivers of migration, exposure risks, and health vulnerabilities | |
Wed, November 10 | 12 - 1 pm EST | |
Savings Lives in the Refugee Community: A Cultural and Linguistic Adaptation of Stop the Bleed | |
Thu, December 2 | 10 - 11 am EST | |
Spring 2021
From Post-Nazi Propaganda to Trump's Fake News: International Perspectives on Media and Democracy | |
February 2 | 11 am – 12 pm | |
Urban Walking in a Global Context: A Brief History on Flânerie and Why It Is Still Relevant Today | |
February 9 | 12-1 pm | |
The New Field of Peace Engineering: Educational Opportunities and Research Themes | |
March 2 | 9:30-11:00 a.m. EST | REGISTER HERE to receive the link for the virtual meeting |
*This webinar is presented as part of the Atlanta Peace Education Initiative's "Future of Peace Education and Research" which, in Spring 2021, will focus on Peace Engineering, Peace Industries & Innovation, and highlighting the Atlanta Peace Education Initiative partners' peace-related programs. |
21st-Century Cybersecurity: The Critical Role of Critical Languages in Advancing Multilingual and Cross-cultural National Security Approaches, Competencies, and Perspectives | |
March 11 | 9:30-11 a.m. EST | REGISTER HERE to receive the link for the virtual meeting |
Featuring Dr. Mike Nugent, Director of the Defense Language and National Security Education Office (DLNSEO), this panel examines opportunities for innovation and impact in the national security environment leveraging cross-cultural expertise and languages critical to national defense* to foster education and research about cyber security and privacy. Recognizing that successful cyber security and privacy studies in the 21st century must be a multilingual and multicultural space, the event also contextualizes Georgia Tech’s unique interdisciplinary strengths as a STEM-driven institution with nationally recognized language programs and recently founded School of Cybersecurity and Privacy.
The event will feature a Q&A session. It is free and open to the public with preregistration. Welcome & Introductions:
Roundtable responses:
Moderator and concluding remarks:
Promoting Peace through Education and Research | |
April 8 | 9:30-11:00 a.m. EST | REGISTER HERE to receive the link for the virtual meeting |
*This webinar is presented as part of the Atlanta Peace Education Initiative's "Future of Peace Education and Research" which, in Spring 2021, will focus on Peace Engineering, Peace Industries & Innovation, and highlighting the Atlanta Peace Education Initiative partners' peace-related programs. |
Fall 2020
Atlanta Peace Education Initiative: Asset mapping virtual update and next steps – part of the Atlanta Peace Education Talks series | |
Nov 17 | 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. EST | |
Synopsis: We are excited to share the opportunities we have uncovered from our extensive three-month peace education market analysis and mapping exercise. Presentation covers:
Please join us and invite those in your network as our goal is to build a collaborative world class peace education ecosystem. |
Nobel Peace Prize Announcement & Commentary – part of the Atlanta Peace Education Talks series | |
Oct 9 | 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. | |
Atlanta Gives Peace a Home: Atlanta Peace Initiative virtual stakeholder update – part of the Atlanta Peace Education Talks series | |
Sep 29 | 12:00 - 12:45 p.m. | |
Synopsis: Progress updates as we move towards our goal of building a peace ecosystem with the following components:
Spring 2020
Canceled due to COVID-19
Ethical Issues Faced by Translators and Interpreters | |
March 27 | 9-10:30 am | |
Speaker: Laura Burian, Dean of Graduate School of Translation, Interpretation, and Language Education at The Middlebury Institute of International Studies |
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) & Design | |
February 25, 2020 | 9-10:30 am | |
Speaker: Wei Wang, School of Industrial Design, Georgia Tech Co-sponsored by Serve-Learn-Sustain |
Greater Atlanta Higher Education Leadership Meeting for the Peace Education Initiative |
February 4 | 2-4 p.m.| Wardlaw Center (Poole Boardroom), 177 N Ave NW |
For more information see the Atlanta Peace Education Initiative |
Peace Studies Landscape in the Greater Atlanta Region |
January 21 | 3 – 4:30 p.m. |
For more information see the Atlanta Peace Education Initiative |
Fall 2019
Advancing Brazilian Studies in the Greater Atlanta region - part of the Lunch with the Member of the Atlanta Consular Corps series |
Nov 19, 11 am – 12:30 pm |
Innovations in Research & Pedagogy: Global Languages, Cultures and Technologies (GLACT) | |
November 12 | 11-11:50 am | |
Speakers: Georgia Tech School of Modern Languages Global Languages, Cultures and Technologies (GLACT) Post-Doctoral Fellows: Adele Doulin (Spanish), Viola Green (French), Matthew Mangold (Russian), Yuko Ogawa (Japanese), Sandra McGury (German) |
Advancing India/Hindi Studies in the Greater Atlanta region - part of the Lunch with the Member of the Atlanta Consular Corps series |
October 22 | 11am -12:30 pm |
Speaker: Consul General of India, Dr. Swati Kulkarni |
Global Citizenship and Service Learning: Best Practices at Georgia Tech | |
Oct 8 | 11 – 11:50 am | |
Education for Sustainable Development: Global and Cross-cultural Perspectives & Best Practices | |
September 24 | 11 – 11:50 am | |