The Atlanta Global Studies Center (AGSC), a consortium of Georgia Tech and Georgia State University, is pleased to offer Foreign Language & Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowships to undergraduate and graduate students at each institution.
The AY22-23 FLAS Fellowship application portal is now open for incoming (accepted) and current students of Georgia State University and Georgia Institute of Technology. Please read the instructions carefully. The application deadline is June 30, 2022.
AY22-23 FLAS Fellowship Information Sessions
We are offering FLAS Fellowship information sessions on the following dates. Click here to join.
April 29 (1-2pm)
May 12 (10-11am)
May 26 (4-5pm)
AY22-23 FLAS Fellowship Basic Information
FLAS Fellowships assist undergraduate and graduate students in achieving competency in selected foreign languages in combination with international and area studies coursework. FLAS Fellowships are available for the less commonly taught languages of Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Persian/Farsi, Portuguese, Russian, and Swahili. Funding for French, German, and Spanish languages may be available ONLY for GRADUATE students at an advanced level. French, German and Spanish are NOT eligible languages for UNDERGRADUATE students. See the "Eligibility" section below for further details.
FLAS fellowships can be used to study abroad or on campus. See below for further details.
Students can apply for both Summer and Academic Year fellowships. There is no disadvantage to applying to both.
Deadline: 11:59 p.m. EST on June 30, 2022
Language Eligibility
FLAS Fellowships are available for the less commonly taught languages of Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Persian/Farsi, Portuguese, Russian, and Swahili at the intermediate or advanced levels.
Funding for French, German, and Spanish languages are available for GRADUATE students at an advanced-level, but in ranking candidates with similar credentials, priority is given for intermediate or advanced-level study in less commonly taught languages of Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Persian/Farsi, Portuguese, Russian, and Swahili.
Graduate students may pursue language study at the introductory level ONLY IF they have already achieved advanced-level proficiency in another language related to their area of study or research and IF studying an additional language is relevant to their studies and potential future careers. This should be explained clearly in the statement of purpose.
Application Eligibility
- U.S. citizen or permanent resident
- Application submitted to, enrollment in, or acceptance for enrollment in a Georgia Tech or Georgia State University degree program
- Undergraduates must pursue study of an eligible language at the intermediate (2nd year) level or beyond and can only apply to study less commonly taught languages of Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Persian/Farsi, Portuguese, Russian, and Swahili. French, German and Spanish are NOT eligible languages for undergraduates.
- Graduate students may pursue language study at the introductory level ONLY IF they have already achieved advanced-level proficiency in another language related to their area of study or research and if studying an additional language is relevant to their studies and potential future career. This should be explained clearly in the statement of purpose.Graduate students are also eligible to apply to study advanced-level French, German or Spanish, but preference will be given for intermediate or advanced-level study in less commonly taught languages of Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Persian/Farsi, Portuguese, Russian, and Swahili.
Award Amounts and Requirements
*Only summer and full year (9-month) fellowships are available. You cannot apply for a partial fellowship.
Academic Year Graduate Fellowships include a living stipend of $20,000 and up to $18,000 towards tuition and mandatory fees. Out-of-state students receive an out-of-state tuition waiver at Georgia Tech.
Academic Year Undergraduate Fellowships include a living stipend of $5,000 and up to $10,000 towards tuition and mandatory fees. Out-of-state students receive an out-of-state tuition waiver at Georgia Tech.
Fellowship Requirements:
The FLAS Fellowship program is a federal fellowship program funded by the U.S. Department of Education. As per U.S. Department of Education stipulations, academic year fellows are required to take one language course and one global/area studies course each semester. They are also required to be enrolled full-time (12 hrs/semester) during the fellowship period, to make satisfactory progress in their FLAS coursework, and to maintain good standing with the university.
Also, during their fellowship period, fellows are required to undergo an assessment of their foreign language proficiency and submit reports about their FLAS coursework and fellowship. We provide further details on reporting and language evaluation requirements after the award process is completed. We also track the progress of fellows' careers after their time at the university in order to assess FLAS programming, so FLAS fellows are likely be asked to fill out numerous questionnaires throughout their academic and professional careers.
A Note Regarding Academic Year 2022-23 FLAS Fellowships:
Please note that notifications regarding AY 2022-23 FLAS Fellowships may be delayed since the availability of funding is contingent upon the decision of the U.S. Department of Education to continue funding the Atlanta Global Studies Center in the 2022-2026 cycle. We appreciate your patience.
A Note Regarding Travel for Study Abroad FLAS Fellowships:
Please be advised that travel to some locations remains uncertain. The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in constantly evolving travel restrictions and guidance. Potential FLAS fellows should remain flexible in their plans.
The U.S. Department Of Education and AGSC take into consideration the official guidance from the U.S. Department of State and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention when determining the approval of travel for FLAS fellows. FLAS applicants wishing to go abroad should keep an eye on the State Department and CDC travel restrictions and guidance for their particular countries of interest. All FLAS travel must be approved by the U.S. Department of Education.
Application Process & Checklist
We recommend preparing your responses and gathering your documents in advance and completing your online application in one sitting. If you have all of the materials, the online application will take about 20 min.
- You may begin your application and continue it at a later time if you use the same computer and browser. Do not clear your browser history. Just click on the application link from the same computer to continue your application where you left off.
- View the application and prepare your answers using your institution's PDF example application form under "Resources" below. This form is for your reference only and for you to review the questions and collect information and materials in advance. Only online applications will be accepted. We strongly recommend completing the online application in a single session.
- Prepare a Statement of Purpose (limit to 4000 characters, or about 500 words) in Microsoft Word explaining how this fellowship will help you further your academic and professional goals. You can copy and paste it into your online application.
- If you are applying for a Summer Fellowship, you will need to provide the program information (name, length, hours of instruction, and website address) of the summer program you propose to attend. This is for planning purposes only. You may choose a different program at a later time if needed.
- Save a copy of your undergraduate and/or graduate transcript(s) as applicable (unofficial is okay) in a single pdf file.
- Save your resume in pdf format.
- Incoming graduate student applicants must apply for admission to an academic department. FLAS Fellowships are contingent upon admittance into a graduate program.
- Have the names and email addresses of your referees. See the important note on recommendation letters below and contact your referees as early as possible to request recommendation letters.
- Complete the online application form. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Selection Criteria
We seek candidates who show promise of becoming leaders in their field of study and professional work. Applicable measures include the applicant’s academic record, extra-disciplinary and professional activities, and supportive materials, including letters of recommendation.
Your statement of purpose should clearly indicate how the FLAS Fellowship will advance both your professional career and potential for leadership within your field of specialization or in the performance of public service. The purpose of the FLAS Fellowship program is to prepare students to use their foreign language and global skills in a future career, particularly in areas of national need, such as education, health, government service, technology, and business.
In ranking candidates with similar credentials, the selection committee will give priority to students who demonstrate financial need as indicated by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
Letters of Recommendation
Your recommendation letter(s) will be uploaded separately by your referee (the person who is writing the letter). Please request recommendation letters early to avoid missing the deadline.
When your contacts have agreed to write you a recommendation letter, please provide them with the instructions below. It is your responsibility to contact your references, provide them with the instructions, follow up with them, and make sure that they submit your recommendation letters by the deadline.
Instructions for Writing and Submitting Letters of Recommendation for the FLAS Fellowship:
The FLAS Fellowship recommendation letter should be 1-2 pages in length and should be written by a teacher, advisor, or employer who can comment on the applicant's academic potential. One letter should come from a language instructor. Additional letters do not need to directly comment on the applicant's language skills. Rather, the writer should describe the applicant's academic performance, motivation, potential, and interest in foreign language and global studies. All recommendation letters must be submitted using the FLAS Recommendation Letter Submission Link.
Deadline: 11:59 p.m. EST on June 30, 2022
GEORGIA TECH: Two letters of recommendation are required in order for your application to be considered. Up to three letters will be accepted.
GEORGIA STATE UNIVERSITY: At least one letter of recommendation is required in order for your application to be considered. Up to three letters will be accepted.
Summer 2022 FLAS Fellowship Competition
Undergraduate and graduate students receive a living stipend of $2,500 and up to $5,000 to cover the tuition and fees of an intensive language program.
Summer fellowships are intended for intensive language study in the U.S. or abroad. Intensive language study is defined as a program that offers at least 6 weeks of language instruction with 140 contact hours at the beginning (graduate students only) or intermediate levels or 120 contact hours at the advanced level. The AGSC encourages applications to Georgia Tech's School of Modern Languages' study-abroad programs or one of GSU's study abroad programs.
We are no longer accepting applications for Summer 2022 FLAS Fellowships.
More information
For FLAS-related questions at Georgia Tech, please contact Juan Carlos Rodriguez at juan.rodriguez@modlangs.gatech.edu
For FLAS-related questions at Georgia State University or to schedule an information session, please contact Diana Wrenn Rapp at dwrenn1@gsu.edu
The FLAS Fellowship program is authorized under Title VI of the Higher Education Act and is administered by the U.S. Department of Education.