Bodies in Contact : Rethinking Colonial Encounters in World History
Ballantyne, Tony ; Burton, Antoinette

Orientalism's interlocutors : painting, architecture, photography
Beaulieu, Jill; Roberts,Mary

Campbell, Timothy; Sitze, Adam

Infections and Inequalities: The Modern Plagues
Farmer, Paul

Edges of Empire: Orientalism and Visual Culture
Hackforth-Jones, Jocelyn & Roberts, Mary

Care Ethics in the Age of Precarity
Hamington, Maurice and Flower, Michael

Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene
Haraway, Donna J.

Routledge Handbook of Critical Indigenous Studies
Hokowhitu, Brendan; Moreton-Robinson, Aileen; Tuhiwai-Smith, Linda; Andersen, Chris; Larkin, Steve

Malaria and Victorian Fictions of Empire
Howell, Jessica

Selling Yoga: From Counterculture to Pop Culture
Jain, Andrea R.

Blind Spot:How Neoliberalism Infiltrated Global Health
Keshavjee, Salmaan

Liboiron, Max

Mbembe, Achille

Care: The Highest Stage of Capitalism
Nadasen, Premilla

Nathan, Tobie & Stengers, Isabelle

Yoga in Britain: Stretching Spirituality and Educating Yogis
Newcombe, Suzanne

The Routledge Handbook of Religious and Spiritual Tourism
Olsen, Daniel H. and Timothy, Dallen J.

The Cambridge History of Medicine
Porter, Roy

Matters of Care: Speculative Ethics in More than Human Worlds
Puig de la Bellacasa, María

Epidemic Illusions: On the Coloniality of Global Public Health
Richardson, Eugene T.

Postcolonial green : environmental politics & world narratives
Roos, Bonnie; Hunt, Alex

Singh, Anneliese A.

Interior Frontiers: Essays on the Entrails of Inequality
Stoler, Ann Laura

The Care Manifesto: The Politics of Interdependence
The Care Collective (Andreas Chatzidakis, Jamie Hakim, Jo Littler, Catherine Rottenberg, Lynne Segal)

The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma
Van der Kolk, Bessel A.

Imperial encounters : religion and modernity in India and Britain
Van der Veer, Peter

Habeas Viscus: Racializing Assemblages, Biopolitics, and Black Feminist Theories of the Human
Weheliye, Alexander Ghedi