Luso-Brazilian Studies

Talking Brazilian: A Cultural Studies Seminar Series

Spring 2025

Friday, March 28, 2025 | 4pm EST / 6pm BRT | online via Zoom

"English as a field of research in Brazil: From undergrad to PhD candidates"

Thayse Madella: Mediator, Thayse Madella is an English professor at Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS).

Thiago de Melo, PhD in Brazil: Studying Language, Technology, and Oppression. Thiago de Melo is a PhD candidate in Languages at the Federal University of Sergipe (PPGL/UFS), supported by a research grant from CNPq, Brazil.

Larissa Gomes, Post-graduation in Brazil: Perspectives from an Applied Linguistics Student. Larissa Gomes graduated in Law (2015) and Languages – English and Portuguese (2024) at UFS. Teacher of the Language without Borders Program (LwB). Master’s Student in the Post-Graduate Program in Languages at UFS.

Iasmin Brito, If the shoe fits: researching latino/a novels as an undergraduate student. Iasmin Brito has an undergraduate degree in Portuguese and English from UFS and was a volunteer student in the research project "Identidades e Experiências" in the years of 2023/2024.


Tuesday, February 25, 2025

"Human Rights, Legal Systems and the Culture of the Law in Brazil and the US"

Hon. Alceu Mauricio Junior

AGSC hosted Hon. Alceu Mauricio Junir, Federal Judge in Brazil since 2001, Judge Mauricio is currently the head of the Justice 4.0 Center at the Espirito Santo Federal District Court and an Electoral Court of Appeals judge (TRE-ES). He holds an LLM from Georgia State University, a PhD in Constitutional Law from the Catholic University in Rio (PUC-Rio), and a Master in Public Law from Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ). He was a US State Department HH Humphrey Fellow at the American University - Washington College of Law, specializing in Human Rights and Judicial Administration, and a Visiting Foreign Judicial Fellow at the Federal Judicial Center in Washington, DC. He has also been a professor at Universidade Vila Velha (UVV-ES), an auditor for the Brazilian IRS (Receita Federal), and an officer of the Brazilian Navy.

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Fall 2024

Tuesday, October 22, 2024 | 4pm EST / 5pm BRT | online via Zoom

"Experiential Learning Projects"

Dr. De Farias, Clinical Associate Professor of Marketing and International Business at GSU;  

Dr. Cintia Araujo, Adjunct Professor and Researcher at FIFECAPI School in São Paulo, Brazil. 



Friday, September 27, 2024 | 4pm EST/5pm BRT | online via Zoom


"The Culture of Higher Education in Brazil"

Paulo Boa Sorte, Associate professor of TESOL and Education at the Federal University of Sergipe, Brazil; Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics from the Pontifical Catholic University of Sao Paulo; Fulbright Scholar at the University of Michigan (2017) and University of Miami (2019-2020).
