2021-22 Request for Proposals
Atlanta Global Studies Center (AGSC)
U.S. DoED Title VI National Resource Center RfP
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS | Extended Deadline: Wednesday, December 1, 2021
The AGSC invites Georgia Tech faculty and units to submit proposals in anticipation of a forthcoming broader institutional call for proposals in late Fall/early Spring from the US Department of Education Title VI National Resource Center (NRC) international and area studies program.
As part of the AGSC’s larger and integrated proposal, the center is interested in funding initiatives from all disciplines that support research, teaching, and outreach activities that contribute to new ways of understanding global issues: the peoples, cultures, and languages as well as international affairs.
The funding period for this grant is expected to be August 15, 2022 - August 14, 2026. In the past cycle, the US DoED has awarded the AGSC $2.2 million to cover program expenses in support of research, teaching, outreach, and language fellowships and training.
The center may be able to offer multiple seed funding grants to support faculty and unit projects, from small yearly grants to larger multi-year and more complex ones with preference given to the latter. Funding requests should typically not exceed $10,000 over the four-year cycle of the Department of Education funding period (2022-26).
Proposals must be received by Wednesday, December 1, 2021 for full consideration. Project leaders of applications selected for inclusion in the AGSC’s Title VI NRC proposal will be notified as soon thereafter as possible. Full funding will be contingent on successful renewal of the AGSC’s Title VI NRC grant for the upcoming 2022-26 cycle.
Info Session:
To provide further guidance, answer questions, and for further exploratory conversations, AGSC will be holding a virtual info session on Monday, October 25, 1:30-2:30 pm at https://bluejeans.com/790902570/9292. You can also contact Dr. Juan Carlos Rodriguez, AGSC faculty co-Director (juan.rodriguez@modlangs.gatech.edu)
Activities Eligible for Support
Applicants may propose activities for a single year or annual/recurring activities that repeat or shift across four years - preference will be given to the latter. Applicants may submit more than one proposal for separate projects. The following list provides examples of activities supported in the past:
- Development of new courses, minors, certificates or their revision/enhancement to incorporate global studies or perspectives (including education abroad or other experiential learning as well as integration of new technological approaches into the curriculum)
- Event programming (lecture series, symposia and conferences etc.) or developing teaching resources, professional training opportunities, outreach activities (broadly conceived) in global studies for faculty, students, business leaders, media, policy-makers, civic organizations, Minority-Serving Institutions (MSIs), Historically Black Colleges (HBCUs), community colleges (CCs), K-12 educators, and members of the public concerned with understanding and solving global problems
- Faculty travel in support of course development, program development, and new international partnerships that would benefit faculty and students
- Building library collections
Eligible expenses:
- Venue space/equipment rental
- Books/materials
- Graduate hourly support
- Summer salary
- International/domestic travel for faculty and speakers (including honoraria, per diem, lodging)
- Note: International faculty/speaker travel is allowable only with prior approval from the US Department of Education (45 days advance notice is needed) and requires compliance with Fly America Act. Travel preparation expenses are not allowable (Visa, passport, medication, clothing, cell phone usage, etc.)
Ineligible expenses:
- Food and alcohol
- Equipment
- Direct support for faculty research
- Student travel
- Travel Preparation (Visa, passport, medication, clothing, cell phone usage, etc.)
Applicants are strongly encouraged to propose activities that will help meet the priorities of the Title VI grant. While those priorities have not yet been formally specified by the sponsor, the AGSC anticipates that the following current priorities will continue to be relevant proposals:
- Diversity and inclusion: Bringing historically underrepresented students and subject areas to global studies, with potential to prepare students for international careers in areas of national need, through pedagogical innovations with potential for lasting curricular impact.
- Global policy issues including but not limited to
- Sustainability (environmental, social, economic, technological)/ UN Sustainable Development Goals
- Security/Cybersecurity
- Human Rights
- Energy (including energy humanities)
- Radicalism
- Immigration
- Health (including healthcare humanities)
- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Social Justice
- Gender
- Culture and identity
- Communication and Media
- Digital Humanities
- Computing and algorithm culture
- Foreign Languages Across the Curriculum (FLAC) in Less Commonly Taught Languages (LCTLs): practical implementation of language expertise (translation and interpretation); innovative approaches to foreign language pedagogy development; language teacher training and assessment, especially for less commonly taught languages; bringing underrepresented populations to the study of languages and international/global affairs.
- Integrating global studies/language study into K-12 teacher training programs and curriculum (both for pre-service or in-service teachers)
- Engagement with professional schools, MSIs, HBCUs, CCs
- Educational diplomacy; strategic partnerships with European countries; multidisciplinary projects that lead to or strengthen existing broad-based institutional partnerships with universities or other organizations (corporations, non-profit etc.) oversees.
- Outreach to K-12 teachers/students, civil society, business, media, policymakers, and general public.
Proposal Requirements:
- Project narrative: The project narrative should not exceed one page (200 words). Evaluation criteria appear below. Each proposal should include:
- Project title
- Faculty/partners involved and their emails
- Brief project description/goals
- Implementation plan, including a timeline and plans for continuation after funding is over (i.e. how you plan to sustain this initiative)
- Specific outcomes and/or deliverables that will be developed
- Budget: Attach a simple budget that identifies expenditures over one or more years of the grant period of August 15, 2022 – August 14, 2026, including the amount of funding from other sources, if applicable. While not required, matching funds or expressions of other institutional support are strongly encouraged.
Proposal Evaluation Criteria
- Creative work with the above anticipated priorities outlined in this RfP
- Interdisciplinary projects that involve inter- and intra- unit and college collaboration. In addition, the following general criteria will be used to evaluate proposals (although each proposal need not address all criteria):
- Expected lasting outcomes, broad impact, high visibility and tangible deliverables
- Potential impact on: Students, faculty, outreach community (K-12 teachers and students; MSIs/HBCUs/Community Colleges; business; policy makers, media representatives, etc.)
- Appropriate budget plan, including potential for leveraging internal or external resources (although each proposal need not address all criteria)
- Sustainability of project: provision for continuing the activities under the award following the grant period
All faculty awardees will be designated as Faculty Affiliates of the Atlanta Global Studies Center. They will also be required to provide periodic project status reports. Awardees may also be invited to make additional presentations at AGSC organized events. A final report will be required at the end of the agreed upon project period.
Please submit proposals to:
Dr. Juan Carlos Rodriguez, AGSC faculty co-Director (juan.rodriguez@modlangs.gatech.edu)
2020-2021 Call for Proposals
Call for
Projects in Luso-Brazilian Studies
Description: The Atlanta Global Studies Center and the Georgia State University Center for Latin American and Latinx Studies seek proposals from teachers and faculty to develop projects in Lusophone / Luso-Brazilian Studies that introduce students to Lusophone languages and cultures and connect students to enriching learning experiences, study abroad, internship, and/or career opportunities. Proposals should describe projects that will result in engaging experiences for students, online content, reproducible teaching and classroom materials, and/or assessment tools. Preference will be given to projects that develop online teaching tools and/or virtual exchange opportunities for students in AY21-22.
Funding will be awarded as professional development or professional stipend/honorarium, depending on institutional requirements. Professional development funds may be used for travel to conferences, equipment, or books, but is not payable as salary.
A total of two awards up to $2000 each will be granted.
- Submit a project description, a description of deliverables, student learning outcomes, timeline, and budget in a single PDF file by April 25, 2021, 11:59 pm (EDT) to AGSC@gsu.edu
- Your proposal should be no longer than 3 pages.
- Grant recipients must be employed as a teacher at a K12 school or college/university faculty in Georgia. Please list your full name, current position, and institution name on the application document. Include your physical address, email address, and phone number.
- Include a detailed budget. Itemize your anticipated expenses and funding sources Include your funding request of up to $2000 from the Atlanta Global Studies Center and other funding sources (if any).
- Awards will be processed by the end of July 2021, following the regulations of your institution or department.
- Award recipients will be invited to present their projects at AGSC events.
- Award recipients are required to submit project deliverables and a final report by August 30, 2021.
- AGSC will publish/share grant-funded projects online. See https://atlantaglobalstudies.gatech.edu/k12-resources/curriculum-materials for examples.
Funding Priorities
- Projects that lead to clear and achievable Global Competency outcomes will be highly favored. Please refer to https://asiasociety.org/sites/default/files/inline-files/all-grades-global-leadership-performance-outcomes-book-edu.pdf
- Projects which can be easily modified and adapted by other teachers will be highly regarded.
- Preference will be given to applications that propose to develop online teaching tools and/or virtual exchange opportunities for students.
Deadline for Submission: April 25, 2021
Notification of Awards: May 3, 2021
Deadline to expend funds: July 30, 2021
Project deliverables and report deadline: August 30, 2021
Project implementation: Fall 2021
Contact Diana Wrenn Rapp dwrenn1@gsu.edu for more information.
Georgia State University Call for Proposals on Virtual Exchange
The Office of International Initiatives (OII) and Atlanta Global Studies Center (AGSC) seek proposals from Georgia State University faculty to integrate Virtual Exchange activities into classes taught during the 2021 fall semester. An exciting interactive high impact practice, VE:
- Connects GSU students and faculty with their counterparts at an international university to work collaboratively
- Promotes students’ intercultural competence and digital literacy across shared multicultural learning environments
- Utilizes a variety of teaching strategies, such as peer review, cooperative learning, online discussions, project-based learning, service learning and co-teaching.
Benefits of globalizing the curriculum through VE include introducing students to an interconnected world, promoting digital literacy, and fostering cultural appreciation and understanding. VE supports GSU’s Quality Enhancement Plan to develop Global/Intercultural Fluency Career-Readiness Skills. Learn more about Virtual Exchange.
Deadline: April 16, 2021 at 5 p.m.
Applications must include:
Statement on desired amount of funding including clear statement of proposal elections.
- Will attend Designing VE Workshop
- Am applying for GTA support of a course with seating capacity of > 75
Abstract (up to 200 words)
Proposal Narrative (no more than 3 pages) that describes:
- Course and student population (include partner university and student population, if applicable).
- VE activities (address suitability for large-enrollment classes if appropriate).
- Facilitation of student interaction and grading of VE activities.
- Technology utilized.
- Identification of student learning outcomes ( i.e. cultivating a global perspective, insight into personal cultural values, interpreting an intercultural experience from more than one viewpoint, and negotiating a shared understanding of differences with openness).
- Sustainability of VE activities in future course offerings (potential that VE component could be integrated into a course for multiple semesters and be facilitated by a different instructor).
- Statement from Chair for VE in classes with seating capacity > 75: “I support this application, and confirm that if awarded, the amount of $2000 will be sufficient, or supplemented with departmental support, to cover a GTA for (at least 10 hours per week) during the 2021 fall semester.”
- Signature of Department Chair and Dean.
A review committee will be appointed by OII and AGSC to rate proposals according to the following criteria:
- Details and clarity of project description
- Timeline for implementation of activities
- Level of innovation and creativity of activities
- Strength of connection of student learning outcomes to global/cultural fluency
- Appropriateness of technology for activities and partner university
- Sustainability
Submit complete proposal as a single PDF file via email to ncommander@gsu.edu. by April 16, 2021 at 5 p.m. Award notifications will be made by May 7, 2021.
2019-2020 Call for Proposals
Georgia State University Call for Virtual Exchange Proposals
2019-20 Call for Proposals: CLOSED
For more information, please contact Nannette Commander, Virtual Exchange Coordinator, GSU, at ncommander@gsu.edu.
Georgia State University Call for Faculty Teaching and Learning Communities on Global Competence and/or Virtual Exchange
Call for Proposals: CLOSED
2018-2019 Recipients
Georgia Institute of Technology
Dr. Anjali Thomas Bohlken, International Affairs - INTA 2050 “Introduction to Global Development” (revision/enhancement)
Dr. Neha Kumar, International Affairs/Computing - “Human-Centered AI and Taking the Long, Holistic, and Intersectional View to Women’s Wellbeing (new course to be offered in Spring 2020)
Dr. Michael Hoffman, Public Affairs - "GloCL Reflect Project for online virtual decision-making process strategies with Foreign Language content" (ongoing curricular project on transforming the Reflect! platform (http://reflect.gatech.edu/) into a global collaborative learning (GLoCL) support system)
Georgia State University
Jessie Hayden, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Perimeter College - Global Engagement Teaching and Learning Community and development of the Global Engagement website (http://sites.gsu.edu/globalfatlc/) with learning activities to connect the classroom to the world.
Dr. Hakyoon Lee, Assistant Professor, Department of World Languages and Cultures - Linguistic Landscape Project in Foreign Language Education and Raising Impact: Engaging Beginning College Learners of Additional Languages In Linguistic Landscape Research
Dr. Hae Sung Yang, Undergraduate Director, Department of Applied Linguistics - Creating a Cultural Mosaic in the Classroom: Teaching Multilingual Students Faculty Teaching and Learning Community and Multilingual Students' Perceptions of Inclusiveness across the Curriculum