K-12 Teachers
Blurb / Gallery Set
K-12 Teacher Workshops
These workshops are dedicated to K-12 teachers in the state and region interested in integrating global skills and language learning across the curriculum. Sessions covered a variety of topics including community building, advocacy, global skills and career education, and teacher self-care.
Arabic Teachers Council of the South
The Arabic Teachers Council of the South supports the instruction of Arabic by attracting, training, and supporting professional teachers of Arabic.
Its mission is to strengthen the capacity of Arabic teachers in the region by bringing them together, providing resources and training, recruiting new teachers, and supporting the development of pedagogically sound Arabic programs.
Curriculum Development Grants
The Atlanta Global Studies Center funds course development projects in less commonly taught languages and global learning. The goal is to create engaging lesson ideas for teachers and students, easy-to-follow lesson plans for a unit, reproducible teaching and classroom materials in the target language or content area, assessment tools and resources for extending lessons. Preference will be given to applications that propose to develop online teaching tools and/or virtual exchange opportunities for students.