Stéphanie Boulard
Director of French Program, Professor of French
- School of Modern Languages
Stéphanie Boulard (Ph.D, Emory University, 2006) is Professor of French literature, film and visual arts in the School of Modern Languages at Georgia Tech and an affiliate of the French Research Center Groupe Hugo-CERILAC (EA 4410) of the Université Paris-Diderot, France.
A specialist in French literature from 19th century to present, Dr. Boulard is a recognized expert in Hugolian studies. Her books include the groundbreaking monograph Rouge Hugo (Septentrion UP, 2014), the first comprehensive examination of the death penalty and the guillotine in Victor Hugo’s writings and drawings, and Ego Hugo (Revue des Science Humaines, 2011), which examines the enduring relevance of Victor Hugo and his modernity. She also studies the innovative exchange between the written and the visual in Hugo’s novels and one of her recent articles on Toilers of the Sea was published in Penser et (d)écrire l'illustration. Le rapport à l'image dans la littérature des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles (PU Blaise Pascal, 2019).
Dr. Boulard’s expertise includes Word and Image studies, feminine writing, and contemporary critical theory. She has published extensively on the works of contemporary French writers, affording new perspectives on major writers of 20th- and 21st-century French literature. Her current research interrogates contemporary writers' collaborations with artists and poets, exploring different links and perspectives between the readable and the visible and between poetry and philosophical thought, such as in her books Ententes – à partir d’Hélène Cixous (PSN UP, 2019; co-edited with Catherine Witt) and Visions/visitations/passions: en compagnie de Claude Louis-Combet (Corlevour, 2008).
Dr. Boulard is a member of the Reading Committee of Le Sans-visage (Faceless), a journal on the works of Pascal Quignard and her publications in French literary studies include several contributions to Pascal Quignard studies, such as Traversées de Pascal Quignard (Tangence, 2017; co-edited with Stella Spriet) and Trace(s), Fragment(s), Reste(s) (SITES, 2014; co-edited with Christophe Ippolito). She has also authored numerous book chapters and articles and contributed to Dictionnaire Sauvage Pascal Quignard (Hermann, 2016). As a scholar of modernism in literature and the visual arts, Dr. Boulard has published extensively on topics such as the violence of the French Revolution as seen through a 19th-20th-century lens; myths in contemporary French literature; (auto)portrait and identity; and migration and exile in literature and the arts. She has authored over 30 book chapters or journal articles on works by authors such as Hugo, Balzac, Cixous, Quignard, Michaux, Genet, Louis-Combet, and artists such as Dado, Rembrandt, Ducruet, and Abdessemed.
As a teacher, Prof. Boulard’s pedagogy centers on the role of literature, film, media and art in telling stories of identity and singularity, in giving testimony of trauma and migration and in exploring political, social and cultural issues in France and the Francophone world. She has developed creative collaborations with practicing artists and filmmakers, inviting many to her classes.
In Georgia Tech’s School of Modern Languages Dr Boulard is the former Director of the French Program (2018-2021), Director of the LBAT France Study Abroad program, and the current co-curator of the Global Media Fest, which invites filmmakers to campus to discuss their works through the lens of sustainable development.
She is also curator of Georgia Tech’s French and Francophone Film Festival, the French Speaker Series and the newly created library of the French Club, for which she serves as advisor. In 2013 she organized the 20th-21st-century French and Francophone Studies Colloquium at Georgia Tech with Pascal Quignard as keynote speaker.
In 2010 Dr. Boulard was honored with a one-year guest professorship at University Pablo de Olavide in Seville, Spain, where she taught special courses on Literature and Cinema, and Translation. In 2019 she received Georgia Tech’s Faces of Inclusive Excellence Award, which recognizes individuals who have distinguished themselves in professional endeavors related to their research, teaching, leadership and public service activities. She is also a recipient of the 2017 Class of 1940 Course Survey Teaching Effectiveness Award, based on student evaluation scores.
- Ph.D. French Literature, Emory University
- D.E.A. French Literature, Paris VIII
- M.A. French Studies, Lille III
- B.A. Spanish Studies, Universidad Complutense, Madrid
- B.A. French Studies, Lille III
- 2023: Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts Faculty Excellence in Research Award
- 2021: French Voices Award
- 2019: Award Faces of Inclusive Excellence
- 2018-2019: SPAG: Global Media Film Festival - Sustainability Across Languages and Cultures
- 2018: IAC GTF Travel Award
- 2017: Class of 1940 Course Survey Effectiveness Award
- French
- Literacy Studies
- Literary and Cultural Studies
- Europe
- Gender
- Aesthetics
- Cinema Studies
- Digital and Mixed Media
- Drama and Theater Studies
- Feminism
- Film History and Theory
- Francophone Studies
- Literary Theory
- Literature
- Philosophy
- Poetry
- Psychoanalysis
- World Literature
- FREN-2001: French Culture I
- FREN-2002: French Culture II
- FREN-2005: LBAT Culture & Language: Contemporary French Culture
- FREN-3001: French Lit 1800-1900: Contes de la Guillotine
- FREN-3001: French Lit 1800-1900: Monstres et Machines
- FREN-3002: French Lit 1900-Present
- FREN-3004: Drama Workshop
- FREN-3017: Paris: Modernity Today
- FREN-3500: Field Work Abroad
- FREN-3501: Sustainable Communities
- FREN-3697: Paris/Cinema: Cinema in Paris / Paris in Cinema
- FREN-3833: Special Topics
- FREN-4005: Contemporary French Lit
- FREN-4013: Literature & Visual Arts
- FREN-4241: French Cinema I
- FREN-4242: French Cinema II
- FREN-4242: French Cinema II: The French New Wave and its Filmmakers
- FREN-4245: Women In Film
- FREN-4246: Fren./Franc. Films/Media
- FREN-4250: Reading Les Miserables
- FREN-4500: Intercultural Seminar
- FREN-4695: French Internship
- FREN-6013: Literature & Visual Arts
- FREN-6252: Dom Internship Fren
- FREN-6500: Intercultural Seminar
- FREN-6510: Language Practicum
- FREN-6511: Lang Practicum Abroad
- FREN-8803: Special Topics: Women in Literature
Recent Publications
Journal Articles
- Filmer le féminin: corps et topographie de l’érotisme dans Portrait de la jeune fille en feu
In: Revue Démiurges
Date: 2023
- Agnès Varda’s The Gleaners and I: From Waste to Wonder—A Cinematic Odyssey on Food Loss and Gleaning
In: A Global Humanities Approach to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals: Understanding Planet, People, and Prosperity
Date: 2024
- Le rêve ailé
In: Cahier de l’Herne Pascal Quignard
Date: 2021
All Publications
- Hugographies: Rêveries de Victor Hugo sur les lettres de l'alphabet
Date: 2022
- Ententes - À partir d'Hélène Cixous
In: Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle
Date: 2019
- Dictionnaire Sauvage Pascal Quignard [articles: Chateaubriand, Hiems, L'Éphémère, Les Ombres errantes, Messiaen, Michaux, Nuit, Oiseaux, Ombres, Rêve, Ritournelle]
In: Calle-Gruber, Mireille & Anaïs Frantz (Eds.)
Date: 2016
- Rouge Hugo
Date: 2014
- Visions/visitations/passions : en compagnie de Claude Louis-Combet
Date: 2008
Journal Articles
- Filmer le féminin: corps et topographie de l’érotisme dans Portrait de la jeune fille en feu
In: Revue Démiurges
Date: 2023
- Hugo/Rimbaud: Voyelles
In: Parade sauvage. Revue d’études rimbaldiennes
Date: 2020
- L’Œil de Victor Hugo
In: L’Œil du XIXe siècle, actes du VIIIe congrès de la SERD
Date: 2020
- Hélène Cixous : 1968, Vincennes ou l’université rêvée (L’Invention de Vincennes en trois épisodes)
In: Contemporary French and Francophone Studies: SITES 23 :2
Date: 2019
- To Write or To Paint the Monstrous? The Case of Claude Louis-Combet
In: SITES. 22.5
Date: 2019
- Le foudroiement perpétuel : Hélène Cixous / Adel Abdessemed
Date: 2018
- Du feu et des cendres. Sur le nom de Sybille et le Requiem de Pascal Quignard
In: Tangence 115
Date: 2017
- Liminaire. Traversées de Pascal Quignard
In: Tangence 115
Date: 2017
- Claude Louis-Combet : (re)lire Augias(se)
In: Nouvelles Francographies
Date: 2015
- Rouge: Victor Hugo ou la couleur en perspective
In: Polysèmes
Date: 2015
- Trace(s). Fragment(s). Remain(s). (Introduction)
Date: 2014
- Ego Hugo (Introduction)
In: Revue des Sciences Humaines 302
Date: 2011
- Signé Hogu
In: Revue des Sciences Humaines 302
Date: 2011
- Jean Genet: nouvelle perspective sur la guillotine
In: SITES. 14.3
Date: 2010
- Lettres capitales: Du monstre dans Les Travailleurs de la mer de Victor Hugo
In: Monstres et monstruosités : Cahiers Kubaba X
Date: 2007
- Ce qui (se) rêve sous le livre:" Rêver d'oubli et de rêve " dans Les Rêveries de la femme sauvage d'Hélène Cixous
In: Feminismo/s 7
Date: 2006
- Esquisse de cartographie, étude de la figure de l’Ouroboros dans l’œuvre de Claude Louis-Combet
In: Roman 20-50 37
Date: 2004
- Nouvelle enquête sur La Fille aux yeux d’or
In: Paroles Gelées 20.2
Date: 2003
- Tête-à-tête avec les monstres de Henri Michaux
In: Equinoxes 1
Date: 2003
- De l’Ombilic aux limbes : la figure de Mélusine dans l’œuvre de Claude Louis-Combet
In: Littérature 126
Date: 2002
- Sine Nomine - autour du Petit Œuvre poétique
In: Revue L’Œil de Bœuf 16
Date: 1998
Journal - Editors
- Traversées de Pascal Quignard (co-edited with Stella Spriet)
In: Tangence
Date: 2017
- Trace(s), Fragment(s), Reste(s) (co-edited with Christophe Ippolito)
In: SITES Contemporary French and Francophone Studies
Date: 2014
- Ego Hugo
In: Revue des Sciences Humaines
Date: 2011
- Agnès Varda’s The Gleaners and I: From Waste to Wonder—A Cinematic Odyssey on Food Loss and Gleaning
In: A Global Humanities Approach to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals: Understanding Planet, People, and Prosperity
Date: 2024
- Le rêve ailé
In: Cahier de l’Herne Pascal Quignard
Date: 2021
- Claude Louis-Combet-Rembrandt: Bethsabée, naguère et à jamais
In: Les Colloques secrets de Claude Louis-Combet
Date: 2020
- Printemps
In: Ententes – à partir d’Hélène Cixous
Date: 2019
- Sub re/sub umbrâ: les doubles fonds des Travailleurs de la mer
In: Écrire l'illustration: le rapport à l'image dans la littérature des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles
Date: 2019
- Révolution flamenco
In: Gestualités/Textualités en danse contemporaine
Date: 2018
- Victor Hugo : « ex-il ». Sur un dessin qui dit tout
In: L’exil et l’errance. Le travail de la pensée entre enracinement et cosmopolitisme
Date: 2016
- Attention transgression ! Science et perversité dans Augias de Claude Louis-Combet
In: Jules Verne. La science: jusqu'où explorer ?
Date: 2015
- Diane Ducruet: Photographic Constellations
In: Diane Ducruet - Mother and Daughter
Date: 2015
- Les Oiseaux de Pascal Quignard
In: Pascal Quignard. Translations et Métamorphoses
Date: 2015
- Fantasmes, possession et métamorphoses : l’éros-animal chez Claude Louis-Combet
In: Animaux d’écriture, le lien et l’abîme
Date: 2014
- Allers-retours: du corps à l'écrit – pour une relecture de L'Homme qui rit
In: Aller(s)-retour(s): ninetenth century France in motion
Date: 2013
- Fantasmes du mythe chez Claude Louis-Combet : Gorgô ou la transposition de la terreur
In: Présence et usages du mythe dans le roman français et francophone depuis les années cinquante
Date: 2013
- Déchirer, mordre, écrire: l’art de l’écriture de Claude Louis-Combet
In: Fluence et influence. Claude Louis-Combet
Date: 2012
- Langage, tangage : le vent de folie de l'écrire dans l'œuvre de Faïza Guène
In: Qu'en est-il de la littérature beur au féminin?
Date: 2012
- Dadomorphoses
In: Visions/visitations/passions : en compagnie de Claude Louis-Combet
Date: 2008
- Ecrire après Lascaux: Pascal Quignard écrivain
In: Ecrivains de la préhistoire
Date: 2004
- Pascal Quignard, un écrivain politique
In: SITES 18.3
Date: 2014
Other Publications
- Diane Ducruet: Photographic Constellations
In: Mother and Daughter
Date: 2015